deKay's Lofi Gaming

Ape Academy (PSP)

Bought this at the weekend (although not for me), and gave it a quick go this evening. It’s… very odd. You play noughts and crosses, with each square being a monkey-infested minigame. Kind of like single-player Mario Party. With monkeys. It was pretty good, although I did only complete the first “level” of the academy.

Knights of the Old Republic (Xbox)

Having not played it in a few days, it took a few minutes to get my bearings: I was on the Leviathan, needed to get to the Bridge, defeat Saul, and then get to the Ebon Hawk in the hangar and escape. So I did. It wasn’t quite that easy, as there were stacks of Dark Jedis, Dark Jedi Masters, Elite Sith Guards, and all sorts in the way. Eventually killed Saul and almost made it to the hangar, when …